Tuesday, June 8, 2010

23 weeks

I started to feel Elspeth little kicks about 2-3 weeks ago. It's amazing how much stronger and more frequent I can feel them now. It's not to the point where I am uncomfortable, so I am really enjoying it.

We (Elspeth and I) went to the doctor today. Dr. Sheridan was able to find her heart beat so quickly. When she was smaller he had to hunt around for awhile and listen very closely until he was sure it was her heart. Today, the second he placed his doppler on me we could hear her heart clearly. I don't think I will ever become tired of listening to her heart.

Today I had a really good day. Elspeth is 23 weeks today. She is almost one foot long and weighs a little over a pound. I have been happy and content today even with the torrential rain storms beating on the house.

Thought for the day:

"Contentment springs from within ourselves. It springs from our thoughts. Outward circumstances will be contributive to it, but it is our attitude toward those exterior things which will determine our contentment..."

I am trying to chose to be content with my circumstances and I hope this attitude sticks around. It has for today at least and that's enough for now.


  1. What a beautiful little miracle. I love those kicks. :)

  2. That's something I tell my kids and myself all the time. You decide to be happy, other people or things or circumstances don't make you happy.

    I love your guts.

  3. love hearing your thoughts. you are on my mind all the time.

