Tuesday, August 24, 2010

33 weeks

Ok, so technically I a little late for a 33 week post. It has just been such a great week that I totally forgot to post my Elspeth update. My youngest brother Jake came home from Paraguay, he served as a missionary there for the past 2 years. We had a wondeful weekend with family and I was way too tired to post until now.

A gem for you:


Let me know if this link works. It's a five minute video about a family in Brazil and their daughter with anencephaly who lived for 1 year, 8 months and 12 days. Inspirational!

Another exciting and nerdy event. I have a "birth buddy" on my anencephaly online support group. Her name is Melissa, she is a school teacher in New Orleans. She is due Sept. 30th and her baby with anencephaly is also her first pregnancy just like me. She is also planning on using a doula. I have really been looking forward to her emails where she and I can talk about anything. It's been wonderful to have a friend who is going through this too and to know that someone else has the same deep secret thoughts that I have, but I'm am too scared to say outloud.

We're going to the doctor again on Thursday so hopefully I will have more updates.


  1. what a sweet video...faith is a wonderful thing! I am so glad you and Melissa can share, support and lift each other up.

  2. Thanks for sharing that video. The faith of that mother was so moving. Made me cry.

  3. Thank you for sharing! I loved watching the video.

  4. Wow - such a sweet video! Very hopeful.

